Safe and Effective Pearly Penile Papules Removal
Pearly penile papules can be found on the corona of the penis or alongside the back of the penis, known as the frenulum. They are small growths that have received the pearly tag due to the tip of the growths having a white glow. It is important to note that this condition is entirely harmless, but many still opt to undergo PPP treatments.
The reason for this is that many men struggle with self-esteem issues when they have pearly penile papules. Our PPP aesthetic clinic is in place to eradicate the problem, as well as the lack of confidence that comes with it. Some individuals are unable to enjoy sexual exploration as a result of the condition, which in turn, can affect romantic relationships.
Here at PPP Clinic, we carry out pearly penile papules removal in a safe and effective way, using proven medical methods. Surgical destruction is needed to remove the growths, and we do this by using either an electrosurgical instrument or a CO2 laser. It will be the surgeon’s final decision on which method to choose, but rest assured that we will anaesthetise the end of the penis with topical gel or cream.
Once we have carried out PPP treatments, we advise around 3 weeks of recovery, but it is unlikely that you will feel any pain during this time. We treat every patient individually, which means that you will receive personalised instructions to follow post-treatment. Our team won’t walk away; we will give you our doctor’s telephone number so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.