Pearly Papules Treatment

Pearly penile papules affect millions of men worldwide, so if you’re affected, the good news is that you’re not alone. 

If you have been struggling with your self-esteem after learning that you have pearly penile papules, you can now feel relief. We at The PPP Clinic offer a permanent solution to a problem that we imagine has been plaguing your thoughts for most of your adult life. We perform pearly penile papules removal through a surgical procedure that is entirely painless. 

Without medical intervention, the papules will remain on your body, but when treated at our clinic, you can rest easy knowing that the results will be complete and permanent. 

To book a consultation with Dr Josh Berkowitz, give us a call today on 01202 579365. Our safe and effective penile papules treatment will permanently remove the papules and give you a new lease of life! 

What Is Pearly Papules Treatment?

Before we explain pearly penile papules treatments, let’s first take a look at what pearly penile papules are. You may have never heard of the condition or may be more familiar with the shorter acronym – PPP. If you’re unfamiliar, read on or contact our clinic if you have any questions or concerns. 

If you have spotted small growths on your penis that appear to have a pearly tip, then there’s a good chance these are penile papules. Penile papules typically appear on the corona of the penis, though they can also be found along the frenulum (back of the penis). At this stage, you might be wondering how you contracted the papules. 

Papules aren’t actually contracted as they are not an STD. Nobody is entirely sure what causes them, but they usually occur around puberty. There they remain until they are surgically removed. Because they are noticeable, they are often a source of embarrassment, even impacting a person’s sexual freedom as they shy from intimate encounters. 

It is important to note that pearly penile papules do not cause any harm; they are not signs of a more serious condition, nor can they lead to one. They are also usually painless and cause no other discomfort for the most part. However, this quickly becomes a different story if a person attempts to remove them. 

There is a common misconception that papules are symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection or another condition, but that is not the case. That being said, this case of mistaken identity often causes a problem and leads to individuals resorting to drastic measures to rid themselves of the papules. 

You will not feel any discomfort as a result of pearly penile papules, but many men feel self-conscious because of them. Many clients that we have helped experienced bouts of anxiety over sexual exploration. They feared that sexual partners would be put off, or some would mistakenly assume they had an STI. 

If you recognise these feelings, it is important to seek our professional assistance at The PPP Clinic. By undergoing our pearly penile papules removal treatment, you will regain your confidence and allow yourself to move forward. We can assure you that there are no health concerns associated with this condition, but if you want extra reassurance, seek advice from your GP. 

The good news is that while it’s next to impossible to remove penile papules yourself, our treatments are another story entirely. We’ll get you scheduled in for a consultation, determine whether you have penile papules, and then arrange a treatment. Treatment involves the removal of all papules. We use advanced methods to accomplish this as quickly, effectively, and painlessly as possible. 

And once treated, the papules will not return, so you’ll be free to explore intimate relationships once more without dealing with the elephant in the room. 

How Common Is Pearly Penile Papules?

We’ve touched on what a treatment is, but we’ve offered a more in-depth explanation below. However, before we get to that, let’s explore penile papules a little further, specifically, how common are they? 

The short answer is that they are fairly common. Unfortunately, many men take such a knock to their confidence because they believe they’re the only ones dealing with penile papules. The truth is that the condition affects millions of men worldwide. It’s estimated that around 1 in 5 men (roughly 20% of the male population) will develop papules at a young age. 

It is important to note that only half of the men who get pearly penile papules will warrant surgical intervention. This is because 50% of those who have the condition can barely notice it due to the small size of the growths. Nevertheless, we believe that having this knowledge will make you feel much more comfortable about your situation. 

However, if your papules are of a size where they’re becoming a source of anxiety, it’s important to overcome the one thing men are often reluctant to do – talk about it. By remaining quiet, you’re less likely to discover just how common the condition is. You’re also more likely to resort to “home remedies”. 

These remedies seldom work and nearly always make the situation a lot worse. While we fully respect your desire to remain private regarding your condition, we want to give you peace of mind that you’re not alone in dealing with it. Speak to our trained PPP removal specialist, and anything you say will be treated with the strictest confidence. 

Dr Berkowitz has many years of experience treating penile papules. His removal treatments are effective, safe, painless, and permanent. You’re in safe hands with The PPP Clinic, and once you learn how common penile papules are and what we can do for you, you’ll surely feel a monumental feeling of relief. 

Contact Us

Pearly penile papules removal

a life changing treatment for as little as £65 per month

Our Pearly Papules Treatment Process  

Here at The PPP Clinic, we want you to know that we operate a transparent treatment process. That means you’ll always be presented with all the information you need regarding your PPP removal procedure. 

As mentioned, pearly penile papules will never disappear from your body unless you undergo surgical treatment. However, rest assured that our procedure will be painless as we use a topical gel or cream to anaesthetise the penis before beginning the process. 

There are two methods used in PPP removal, and Dr Berkowitz is trained in both procedures. The first involves using a CO2 laser – this process is known as laser ablation and instantly vaporises smaller papules. Larger papules form a superficial scab that falls off after 7-10 days. 

The second method involves using an electrosurgical instrument. This works through a process known as Hyfrecation. This is a less common treatment method than laser ablation but follows a similar principle. The penile papules are burnt off, resulting in the immediate clearance of any lesions. 

The method will be decided before the procedure, and it will be discussed with you in detail. Keep in mind that the anaesthetic takes around 15-30 minutes to take effect. 

Unfortunately, there have been some cases where men have tried to take the treatment into their own hands, but home remedies will not work. There have been instances in which men have used tea tree oil, castor oil, and even toothpaste to rid their bodies of their penile papules. 

None of these remedies will do the trick, so please do not try them at home. To find the right solution, contact The PPP Clinic. We adopt a 3-step process: 

  1. Book a Consultation 
  2. Attend Your Consultation 
  3. Attend Your Treatment 

Book Consultation   

As stated above, home remedies nearly always fail and often result in unpleasant side effects that can cause even more anxiety.  

Should you have found yourself in a position where your life has been affected by penile papules, the solution is obvious – look to a clinic that treats papules quickly and effectively. To arrange a consultation, all you need to do is phone us on 01202 579365. 

Alternatively, if you’d prefer to get in touch using a written method, you can do so by either emailing or filling out our confidential online contact form. 

Day of Consultation   

Dr Berkowitz will contact you with confirmation of your consultation date. Your consultation will give you the perfect opportunity to speak with an expert in PPP removal. They’ll answer any questions or concerns you have and provide you with full details of the treatment, so you know what to expect. 

You’ll be offered a choice of treatment dates, with the treatment costing £895 plus a £250 consultation fee. If you have the treatment carried out on the same day as the consultation, we’ll waive the consultation fee. 

clinic consulation

The Treatment

The treatment should take around an hour, and once the removal is complete, you’ll be entirely papule-free. After being treated, Dr Berkowitz will discuss with you what comes next. You’ll receive aftercare advice to follow to ensure a quick and full recovery. Typically, recovery from PPP removal will take around three weeks. 

In most cases, the recovery time rarely exceeds the three-week mark, and during this time, you’ll normally experience no pain. You’ll be free to resume normal activities following the treatment. Should any problems arise, or you have any questions or concerns, you’ll be provided with a phone number to call. 

In 99.99% of cases, patients can expect a quick and stress-free recovery following their PPP removal treatment. 

The Process



You can email us alternatively fill out our appointment form!



You will be seeing senior doctor, who will answer all of your questions and concerns regarding PPP. Treatment can be performed at the clinic on the same day if you wish. Consultation fee is £250 but is deducted from the final cost of £895 (if treatment is carried out on the same day.)



After the 60 minute simple and safe treatment, you can continue your normal routine immediately after the procedure.

Why Choose Us for Pearly Papules Treatment?

Here at The PPP Clinic, we recognise that many men are reluctant to come forward for fear of others finding out. Confidentiality is, therefore, important to us, and you can trust that any discussions we have will be treated with the strictest confidence. 

We operate very discreetly, and our team has created an open space where you can freely discuss your thoughts and concerns with us. We intend to make you feel relaxed, so you’re more willing to discuss the issue openly, which, in turn, leads to a quicker resolution. 

As part of the process, we make sure that all our clients feel comfortable and at ease in our presence. In fact, every team member goes the extra mile to ensure this. The most important member of our team is Dr Berkowitz, who has performed pearly penile papules removal on hundreds of men during his career. You really could not be in safer hands at The PPP Clinic. 

We are in the process of opening a second clinic; such is the nature of our success. This should give you great peace of mind if you are considering our pearly penile papules treatment. With the opening of a second clinic, you can be confident knowing that we have gained the trust of many clients.   

And remember that once treated, you’ll experience benefits that include: 

  • Boosts Confidence 
  • Improves Intimate Relationships 
  • Reduces Anxiety 
  • Safe, Painless, and Long-Lasting Results 



If you need to have penile papules treated, ours is the best clinic to call for safe and effective removal. And if you’d like to hear what others have said about our treatments before calling, you can click on our testimonials page.

 Get in Touch for More Information About Pearly Papules Removal 

If you’re grappling with the reality of pearly penile papules, treatment is just a phone call away. Treating PPP is incredibly easy for us here at The PPP Clinic as we possess the necessary knowledge, experience, and equipment. You should never attempt to remove pearly penile papules yourself – always look to the professionals. 

If you are looking for a permanent way to remove pearly penile papules, then The PPP Clinic should be your first and only choice. Our proven surgical technique is the only way to rid your body of the papules for good. Unfortunately, while the condition does not cause any harm to your physical health, it can put a strain on your mental well-being, as many men feel embarrassed.   

Experienced and qualified Dr Josh Berkowitz has performed this treatment hundreds of times throughout his career, so you are in safe hands. Call 01202 579365 today to book a consultation, email, or fill out our confidential online contact form.